Healthcare Organisations - Medical Partnership

Author: Korts, Petra/Korts, Sebastian
ISBN-No: 3-8005-4100-9
Publication: Recht und Wirtschaft Heidelberg,
Edition/Year: 2. Edition 2005

Since the creation of the partnership company, this legal entity has increasingly enjoyed popularity among doctors, particularly on account of its diversity of inter-professional configuration possibilities. This publication, which meanwhile appears in the third revised edition, offers doctors and consultants the possible company entities of the medical professions.

The focal point lies on the organisation entities of partnerships by describing a respective company contract. The professional and contractual approach for doctors and the fiscal portrayal of the partnership are supplemented. Furthermore, the current status of debate on the practice of the profession in the form of the Ärzte GmbH (Doctors Limited) is presented – with regard to the most current status of legislation and case law, of course.

Steuerrecht "aus dem Leben"

Steuerrecht ist in der konkreten Anwendung superspannend. Für Interessierte (nicht nur Kollegen) haben wir eine sytematische Zusammenstellung des

- Steuerstrafrechts
- Internationalen Steurrechts
- Steuerstrafrechts in Wirtschaftsdelikten
- Steuerstrafrechts im Bereich der Prostitution
